204 players have been signed up for this competition as of 9:55 AM Tuesday 14th January
Michael Adamson (Addington Palace) |
John Aldridge (West Malling) |
D Allison (West Malling) |
Kieran Allum (17.7) |
Andrew Amor (17.8) |
Peter Andrews (18.3) |
ROB AYLOTT (Upminster) |
stuart backshell (Addington Palace) |
Mark Bailie (14.2) |
Richard Baker (17.9) |
Jackie Barr (36.6) |
Stuart Barr (16.8) |
Antony Bathurst (4.4) |
Pete Beasley (10.0) |
Eric Belfield (25.0) |
Paul Berardo (Sene Valley) |
Gareth Bessent (Hythe) |
Robert Bewick (7.9) |
Stephen Blackhurst (Mid-Kent) |
Robbert Borstlap (St Augustine's) |
Katherine Bracey (34.9) |
Simon Bratt (Westerham) |
Gary Broomfield (16.1) |
Anthony Brown (9.9) |
Jerry Buckley (11.2) |
Lee Bulford (5.4) |
Keith Burgess-Clements (West Malling) |
Sally Burn (38.5) |
Ann Butt (34.8) |
Simon Butteriss (13.5) |
Jim Cain (West Malling) |
Neil Chisholm (6.8) |
Alan Clarke (26.3) |
Charlie Clements (8.0) |
Phil Clements (12.3) |
Simon Clubb (Dartford) |
John Conner (13.5) |
DAVID COOK (Upminster) |
Richard Cook (Addington Palace) |
David Cox (Wrotham Heath) |
Stafford Cox (5.8) |
Tom Coyne (10.9) |
james Dandridge (Barnehurst) |
Linton Denning (4.2) |
Gary Duffy (18.8) |
Keir Dutton (12.4) |
Gary Earle (12.3) |
Paul Earnshaw (St Augustine's) |
Nina Edgar (23.7) |
Bob Edwards (22.7) |
John Elswood (7.8) |
Richard Epps (12.8) |
Martin Farbrace (Sene Valley) |
John Field (12.2) |
Robert Flood (Mid-Kent) |
Michael Folb (Wrotham Heath) |
Simon Fowler (Canterbury) |
Janet Fright (23.4) |
Stephen Fuller (9.1) |
Luke Furness (2.5) |
Paul Gardiner (Faversham Golf Club) |
Ann Gardner (28.4) |
Andy Gibb (Wrotham Heath) |
Roger Gillett (Wrotham Heath) |
Graham Gladwin (Hythe) |
Aidan Glasscoe (12.7) |
Malcolm & Sue Gofton (West Malling) |
Ron Goodman (Wrotham Heath) |
Nick Gowlett (Wrotham Heath) |
Peter Graham (Sene Valley) |
Paul Gray (Wrotham Heath) |
Connor Griffin (8.0) |
Paul Gupta (13.3) |
Ron Haine (12.4) |
JOHN HAMPTON (Upminster) |
Roger Harding (27.5) |
Doreen Harker (33.6) |
Jackie Hawes (8.4) |
TONY HEDDEN (Upminster) |
Dale Henley (21.6) |
John Hill (8.1) |
Roy Hitchens (13.4) |
Roger Hope (Wrotham Heath) |
Philip Hughes (18.8) |
P Hunt (West Malling) |
Richard Jackson (The Royal St Georges Permit Holders) |
Ryan James (12.5) |
Paul Jefcoate (15.4) |
Jason Jeffery (23.4) |
Will Jenken (Mid-Kent) |
Keith Jenkins (12.0) |
Alan Jessiman (6.5) |
Margaret Jevons (41.4) |
Tristan Jevons (-0.8) |
Geoff Johnston (15.7) |
James Johnstone (10.0) |
Colin Jones (Hythe) |
Roger Jordan (Faversham Golf Club) |
Mark Kennedy (11.2) |
Victor Kiddie (West Malling) |
Arthur King (18.7) |
Henry Lam (9.1) |
Jim Law (5.5) |
Peter Law (16.6) |
Geoff Lee (33.9) |
Lloyd Beau Leppard (13.0) |
Ian Lindsay (11.2) |
Peter Lockwood (West Malling) |
Ian Lodge (9.1) |
Neil Lynch (3.2) |
Tony Machin (19.2) |
Justin MacKinnon (12.1) |
Gary Mackman (13.9) |
David Mann (21.9) |
Nigel Mann (9.9) |
Terry McCoy (13.7) |
Terry McDowell (3.1) |
Paul McGuirk (15.7) |
Carl Midgley (12.9) |
Keith Mileham (12.3) |
Sue Mileham (16.2) |
Jeffery Millins (Wrotham Heath) |
Bryan Mitchell (15.0) |
Tony Moore (9.1) |
Jason Morris (-0.3) |
Simon Morris (Sene Valley) |
Jason Mount (15.6) |
Mike Muro (Mid-Kent) |
Tony Nicolaou (21.3) |
Lynne Noble (25.6) |
Lloyd Nutley (-1.9) |
Jasper Nutley-King (3.5) |
Dermot O'Connor (Dartford) |
Andy O'Reilly (9.2) |
Stephen Old (West Malling) |
Lynn Orrin (22.6) |
Steve Orrin (14.0) |
Andrew Osborne (Addington Palace) |
Peter Pace (29.3) |
Les Packman (18.5) |
Mark Padfield (9.8) |
Steve Page (Mid-Kent) |
Ray Palgrave (17.2) |
Ben Palmer (-0.9) |
NEIL PATCHETT (Upminster) |
Matthew Philpott (The Royal St Georges Permit Holders) |
Tony Pledger (11.8) |
Stuart Plumridge (7.5) |
Ken Powell (12.3) |
Roy Prickett (12.4) |
MR MARTIN RAMSEY (Upminster) |
Charlie Ray (12.3) |
Brian Rice (7.8) |
Sean Richards (St Augustine's) |
Frank Ricks (14.8) |
Sheila Rickwood (31.6) |
Nick Roberts (20.9) |
Yvonne Roberts (25.7) |
Peter Rodd (26.8) |
Peter Russell (Wrotham Heath) |
TERRY SAINES (Upminster) |
Alan Sands (14.7) |
Keith Shafto (13.7) |
LEE SHAW (Upminster) |
Christopher Sherman (Westerham) |
Cameron Shire (20.2) |
Danny Short (14.8) |
Calvin Smith (Boughton Golf Club) |
Keir Smith (4.0) |
Neil Smith (14.5) |
Neil Smith (Mid-Kent) |
Joan Stanford (22.9) |
Warren Stevens (13.7) |
Lewis Stevens-Toomey (14.0) |
Daniel STONEMAN (Hythe) |
Mark Stonham (West Malling) |
Mark Strand (8.9) |
Dave Stroud Jnr (9.3) |
Jeremy Studden (13.3) |
Mark Tallentire (15.1) |
John Tamplin (11.2) |
Steve Thomas (19.5) |
Kenny Tinklin (16.2) |
Gary Townsend (Mid-Kent) |
Pat Trainor (Shooters Hill) |
Henry Tucker (4.0) |
David Urmston (Wrotham Heath) |
Jim Ward (20.9) |
Martin Weatherly (0.9) |
Steve Webster (Mid-Kent) |
Bradley Welsh (4.0) |
Norman Wheatley (23.1) |
Anne Wheble (Dartford) |
Peter Wheble (Dartford) |
Stephen Wilkes (Aquarius) |
Richard Wills (Wrotham Heath) |
Jeff Wilson (Faversham Golf Club) |
Russell Wilson (15.4) |
Valerie Windridge (28.0) |
Bob Wood (22.5) |
A Yates (West Malling) |
Dennis Yeoman (14.4) |
Lloyd Yeoman (5.3) |
David Young (West Malling) |